From portable to high-throughput benchtop devices, real-time nanopore sensing is a new generation of technology uncovering new biology across multiple sectors.
12 December 2024
- Addition of links to MinION Mk1D and GridION IT requirements in "Compatibility of this protocol" and MinION Mk1D user manual in "Data acquisition and basecalling", "How to start sequencing".
- Arrow which was previously at the bottom edge of the flow cell in Image 1b "Priming and loading MinION/GridION Flow Cell" was moved to the middle of the flow cell.
- Updated link for flow cell returns in "Flow cell reuse and returns" and removed note for flushing flow cells.
- Updated link for MinION temperature control in "Issues during a sequencing run", "Failed to reach target temperature".
12 December 2024
- Addition of links to MinION Mk1D and GridION IT requirements in "Compatibility of this protocol" and MinION Mk1D user manual in "Data acquisition and basecalling", "How to start sequencing".
- Arrow which was previously at the bottom edge of the flow cell in Image 1b "Priming and loading MinION/GridION Flow Cell" was moved to the middle of the flow cell.
- Updated link for flow cell returns in "Flow cell reuse and returns" and removed note for flushing flow cells.
- Updated link for MinION temperature control in "Issues during a sequencing run", "Failed to reach target temperature".
12 December 2024
- Addition of links to MinION Mk1D and GridION IT requirements in "Compatibility of this protocol" and MinION Mk1D user manual in "Data acquisition and basecalling", "How to start sequencing".
- Arrow which was previously at the bottom edge of the flow cell in Image 1b "Priming and loading MinION/GridION Flow Cell" was moved to the middle of the flow cell.
- Updated link for flow cell returns in "Flow cell reuse and returns" and removed note for flushing flow cells.
- Updated link for MinION temperature control in "Issues during a sequencing run", "Failed to reach target temperature".
31 July 2024
- Changed reagent order addition in Library preparation/Adapter ligation and clean-up; Ligation Adapter (LA) added before Ligation Buffer (LB) and T4 Ligase
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
31 July 2024
- Changed reagent order addition in Library preparation/Adapter ligation and clean-up; Ligation Adapter (LA) added before Ligation Buffer (LB) and T4 Ligase
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
31 July 2024
- Changed reagent order addition in Library preparation/Adapter ligation and clean-up; Ligation Adapter (LA) added before Ligation Buffer (LB) and T4 Ligase
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
6th December 2023
- Updated compatibilities to include new expansion FFPPE DNA Repair Buffer v2 (EXP-NEBFFPEV2)
- Included updates to the "Data acquisition and high duplex basecalling" to include MinKNOW duplex basecalling with the 5.8 software release
- Updated the protocol to the new template format
11th October 2023
- Updated library prep to include the Salt-T4 DNA Ligase and NEBNext FFPE Repair Buffer v2.
- DNA input has been updated in the equipment and consumables section, as well as a new recommendation regarding fragmentation, size selection and SPRI clean steps.
11th October 2023
- Updated library prep to include the Salt-T4 DNA Ligase and NEBNext FFPE Repair Buffer v2.
- DNA input has been updated in the equipment and consumables section, as well as a new recommendation regarding fragmentation, size selection and SPRI clean steps.
11th October 2023
- Updated library prep to include the Salt-T4 DNA Ligase and NEBNext FFPE Repair Buffer v2.
- DNA input has been updated in the equipment and consumables section, as well as a new recommendation regarding fragmentation, size selection and SPRI clean steps.
10th August 2023
- Clarified input requirements in "Equipment and consumables" section
- Removed reference to Guppy basecaller in the "Computer requirements and software"
10th August 2023
- Clarified input requirements in "Equipment and consumables" section
- Removed reference to Guppy basecaller in the "Computer requirements and software"
10th August 2023
- Clarified input requirements in "Equipment and consumables" section
- Removed reference to Guppy basecaller in the "Computer requirements and software"
1st August 2023
- Kit contents layout has been updated
- In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
1st August 2023
- Kit contents layout has been updated
- In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated
1st August 2023
- Kit contents layout has been updated
- In priming and loading the flow cell, the flow cell priming mix instructions have been updated