Ligation sequencing DNA V14 - dual barcoding (SQK-NBD114.24 with EXP-PBC096)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Aug 21 2024DBC_9184_v114_revJ_22Mar2023EnglishGridION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to new format. - Updated sample input recommendations to 100 ng for gDNA or amplicons. - Updated the End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Updated library loading on flow cell recommendations with table for different DNA size.
Aug 21 2024DBC_9184_v114_revJ_22Mar2023EnglishMinION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to new format. - Updated sample input recommendations to 100 ng for gDNA or amplicons. - Updated the End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Updated library loading on flow cell recommendations with table for different DNA size.
Aug 21 2024DBC_9184_v114_revJ_22Mar2023EnglishPromethION
21st August 2024 - Updated protocol introduction to new format. - Updated sample input recommendations to 100 ng for gDNA or amplicons. - Updated the End-prep method in-line with new recommended reagents. - Updated the Adapter ligation step with new recommended method. - Updated library loading on flow cell recommendations with table for different DNA size.
August 21st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revI_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download 01 May 2024 - Updated snippet in 'Equipment and consumables' to no longer reference SQK-NBD114.96.
August 21st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revI_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download 01 May 2024 - Updated snippet in 'Equipment and consumables' to no longer reference SQK-NBD114.96.
August 21st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revI_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download 01 May 2024 - Updated snippet in 'Equipment and consumables' to no longer reference SQK-NBD114.96.
May 1st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revH_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
May 1st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revH_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
May 1st, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revH_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download 07th March 2024 - Updated library loading recommendations to 35-50 fmols.
March 7th, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revG_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download 21st September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step. - Format change in "Native barcode ligation" step to fix downloaded checklist.
March 7th, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revG_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download 21st September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step. - Format change in "Native barcode ligation" step to fix downloaded checklist.
March 7th, 2024DBC_9184_v114_revG_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download 21st September 2023 - Updated flow cell loading instructions to include light shield installation - Updated flow cell loading recommendations in the "Adapter ligation and clean-up" step. - Format change in "Native barcode ligation" step to fix downloaded checklist.
September 19th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revE_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download 14th August 2023 - Updated the equipment and consumables with both formats of kits which are being shipped. - Updated the native barcoding ligation step to include instructions for both EDTA concentrations. - Updated flow cell flushing instructions to include instructions for the bottle format kit.
September 19th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revE_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download 14th August 2023 - Updated the equipment and consumables with both formats of kits which are being shipped. - Updated the native barcoding ligation step to include instructions for both EDTA concentrations. - Updated flow cell flushing instructions to include instructions for the bottle format kit.
September 19th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revE_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download 14th August 2023 - Updated the equipment and consumables with both formats of kits which are being shipped. - Updated the native barcoding ligation step to include instructions for both EDTA concentrations. - Updated flow cell flushing instructions to include instructions for the bottle format kit.
September 14th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revD_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download 1st August 2023 - Updated recommended magnetic rack
September 14th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revD_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download 1st August 2023 - Updated recommended magnetic rack
September 14th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revD_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download 1st August 2023 - Updated recommended magnetic rack
August 1st, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revC_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download May 2023 - Added amplicon tailed primer sequences to the introduction
August 1st, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revC_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download May 2023 - Added amplicon tailed primer sequences to the introduction
August 1st, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revC_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download May 2023 - Added amplicon tailed primer sequences to the introduction
April 28th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revB_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
April 28th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revB_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
April 28th, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revB_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download April 2023 - Added flow cell priming mix volumes to the "Priming and loading" steps
March 22nd, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revA_22Mar2023EnglishPromethion Download
March 22nd, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revA_22Mar2023EnglishGridion Download
March 22nd, 2023DBC_9184_v114_revA_22Mar2023EnglishMinion Download