From portable to high-throughput benchtop devices, real-time nanopore sensing is a new generation of technology uncovering new biology across multiple sectors.
8th August 2022
- Minor grammatical corrections in the library preparation step
- Updated workflow image and troubleshooting section to direct users to use the private community channel
8th August 2022
- Minor grammatical corrections in the library preparation step
- Updated workflow image and troubleshooting section to direct users to use the private community channel
26th August 2022
Updated Library preparation time across protocol
Updated sample input snippet to reflect 10 ng per sample (making it compatible with the scalibility of the protocol) - snippet found in "Equipment and consumables" and in "Library preparation".
Updates to snippets throughout "Library preparation" to reflect scalability of protocol for x6, x12 and x24 samples.
Updated to correct link in "Downstream analysis" for the demultiplexing configuration file.
Updated instructions for "Installing the demultiplexing config".
Updated instructions for "Demultiplex you data by running the following command"
26th August 2022
Updated Library preparation time across protocol
Updated sample input snippet to reflect 10 ng per sample (making it compatible with the scalibility of the protocol) - snippet found in "Equipment and consumables" and in "Library preparation".
Updates to snippets throughout "Library preparation" to reflect scalability of protocol for x6, x12 and x24 samples.
Updated to correct link in "Downstream analysis" for the demultiplexing configuration file.
Updated instructions for "Installing the demultiplexing config".
Updated instructions for "Demultiplex you data by running the following command"
2nd August 2022
Updated the protocol to use 24 barcodes:
- Kit code changed to SQK-AMB111.24 and kit name is Amplicon Barcoding Kit 24
- Removed the snippet regarding barcodes supplied in the Kit introduction. All barcodes are sequentially numbered
- Workflow image updated with reference to Amplicon Barcodes
- Updated input required for this kit in the Equipment and Consumables page
- Kit contents image updated
- Barcode sequences updated
- Library preparation step updated to include the use of thermolabile proteinase K and volumes updated to take into account the 24 barcodes
- Downstream analysis updated with commands for the new kit code
2nd August 2022
Updated the protocol to use 24 barcodes:
- Kit code changed to SQK-AMB111.24 and kit name is Amplicon Barcoding Kit 24
- Removed the snippet regarding barcodes supplied in the Kit introduction. All barcodes are sequentially numbered
- Workflow image updated with reference to Amplicon Barcodes
- Updated input required for this kit in the Equipment and Consumables page
- Kit contents image updated
- Barcode sequences updated
- Library preparation step updated to include the use of thermolabile proteinase K and volumes updated to take into account the 24 barcodes
- Downstream analysis updated with commands for the new kit code