yacrd and fpa: upstream tools for long-read genome assembly
- Alignment
- Long-read
- Assembly
- Basecalling
- Bioinformatics
March 2 2020
Workflow overview: structural variation
- Alignment
- Structural variation
- PromethION
- Human genomics
- Library prep
- Bioinformatics
November 10 2023
Weighted minimizer sampling improves long read mapping
- Alignment
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Bioinformatics
February 11 2020
Vulcan: Improved long-read mapping and structural variant calling via dual-mode alignment
- Alignment
- Long-read
- Bioinformatics
- Structural variation
- Variant calling
September 24 2021
Theory of local k-mer selection with applications to long-read alignment
- Alignment
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
May 23 2021
Systematic analysis of dark and camouflaged genes reveals disease-relevant genes hiding in plain sight
- Alignment
- Whole genome
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
- Assembly
- Structural variation
May 20 2019
Successful test launch for nanopore sequencing
- Alignment
- Bioinformatics
- MinION
- Variant calling
- Long-read
- gDNA
January 3 2014
The string decomposition problem and its applications to centromere analysis and assembly
- Alignment
- Assembly
- Long-read
- Bioinformatics
July 13 2020
A spontaneous complex structural variant in rcan-1 increases exploratory behavior and laboratory fitness of Caenorhabditis elegans
- Alignment
- Long-read
- Structural variation
- MinION
- gDNA
February 24 2020
Spectral Jaccard Similarity: a new approach to estimating pairwise sequence alignments
- Alignment
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
October 10 2019
SPAligner: Alignment of Long Diverged Molecular Sequences to Assembly Graphs
- Alignment
- Assembly
- Long-read
- Bioinformatics
- Metagenomics
August 23 2019
A single chromosome assembly of Bacteroides fragilis strain BE1 from Illumina and MinION nanopore sequencing data
- Alignment
- Microbiology
- Long-read
- MinION
- Portable
- Assembly
April 16 2016
Sequence features around cleavage sites are highly conserved among different species and a critical determinant for RNA cleavage position across eukaryotes
- Alignment
- Plant
- cDNA
- GridION
- Long-read
March 12 2021
Selective single-molecule sequencing and the assembly of human Y chromosomes - Tomas Marques-Bonet
- Alignment
- Long-read
- MinION
- Targeted
- gDNA
- Assembly
February 6 2020
The rise and fall of the ancient northern pike master sex determining gene
- Alignment
- PromethION
- gDNA
- Long-read
- Whole genome
June 1 2020
A reference bacterial genome dataset generated on the MinION™ portable single-molecule nanopore sequencer
- Alignment
- MinION
- Microbiology
- Basecalling
- gDNA
June 4 2016
Rapid inference of antibiotic resistance and susceptibility by genomic neighbour typing
- Alignment
- Metagenomics
- Real-time
- MinION
- Identification
February 10 2020
QAlign: Aligning nanopore reads accurately using current-level modeling
- Alignment
- Bioinformatics
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Transcriptome
December 3 2019
Progressive alignment with Cactus: a multiple-genome aligner for the thousand-genome era
- Alignment
- Assembly
- Bioinformatics
August 9 2019
Precise gene models using long-read sequencing reveal a unique poly(A) signal in Giardia lamblia
- Alignment
- Microbiology
- Long-read
- MinION
- Direct analysis
April 6 2021