Workflow overview: bulk transcriptomics
- Exome
- cDNA
- Transcriptome
- Transcriptomics
- Cancer research
September 11 2024
Narrowing the diagnostic gap: genomes, episignatures, long-read sequencing and health economic analyses in an exome-negative intellectual disability cohort
- Exome
- Human genomics
- PromethION
January 19 2024
Readfish enables targeted nanopore sequencing of gigabase-sized genomes
- Exome
- Targeted
- GridION
- Structural variation
- Real-time
November 30 2020
In-field metagenome and 16S rRNA gene amplicon nanopore sequencing robustly characterize glacier microbiota
- Exome
- MinION
- Real-time
- Long-read
- Metagenomics
- Environment
January 19 2019
Evaluation of the detection of GBA missense mutations and other variants using the Oxford Nanopore MinION
- Exome
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Targeted
- MinION
- Long-read
January 13 2019
Long-read sequencing identified a causal structural variant in an exome-negative case and enabled preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- Exome
- Clinical research
- Human genomics
- Long-read
- Whole genome
- Structural variation
September 28 2018
Multiplexed Nanopore Sequencing of HLA-B Locus in Māori and Pacific Island Samples
- Exome
- Human genomics
- MinION
- Clinical research
- Targeted
- Sequence capture
April 30 2018
Real-time DNA barcoding in a remote rainforest using nanopore sequencing
- Exome
- Environment
- MinION
- Long-read
- Portable
September 15 2017
Profiling bacterial communities by MinION sequencing of ribosomal operons
- Exome
- Microbiome
- Infectious disease
- Microbiology
- MinION
- Long-read
September 15 2017
Accurate typing of class I human leukocyte antigen by Oxford nanopore sequencing
- Exome
- MinION
- Long-read
- Human genomics
- Clinical research
- Targeted
August 20 2017
The potential impact of nanopore sequencing on human genetics.
- Exome
- MinION
- Human genomics
- Whole genome
- Cancer research
- Oncology
July 26 2017
A portable system for rapid bacterial composition analysis using a nanopore-based sequencer and laptop computer
- Exome
- MinION
- Long-read
- Targeted
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
July 18 2017
Sequencing and phasing cancer mutations in lung cancers using a long-read portable sequencer
- Exome
- Cancer research
- cDNA
- Amplicons
- Sequence capture
June 27 2017
Non-invasive diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis by the direct boil loop-mediated isothermal amplification method and MinION™ nanopore sequencing
- Exome
- MinION
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
- Clinical research
- Sequence capture
March 11 2017
Evaluation of Oxford Nanopore MinION Sequencing for 16S rRNA Microbiome Characterization
- Exome
- MinION
- Microbiome
- Long-read
- Microbiology
- Portable
January 12 2017
INC-Seq: Accurate single molecule reads using nanopore sequencing
- Exome
- Microbiology
- Long-read
- Targeted
- Metagenomics
- Sequence capture
August 2 2016
Real time selective sequencing using nanopore technology
- Exome
- Real-time
- MinION
- Targeted
- Sequence capture
July 25 2016
Analysis of the mouse gut microbiome using full-length 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing
- Exome
- MinION
- Long-read
- Real-time
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
July 23 2016
Species level resolution of 16S rRNA gene amplicons sequenced through the MinION™ portable nanopore sequencer
- Exome
- Targeted
- Metagenomics
- Microbiology
- Environment
February 19 2016
Nanopore sequencing for genotyping pathogens of tropical diseases
- Exome
- Microbiology
- Sequence capture
- Amplicons
May 15 2015