New applications posters released for Nanopore Community Meeting
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- New applications posters released for Nanopore Community Meeting
Later this week, scientists will be gathering in New York to discuss their latest research using Nanopore DNA or RNA sequencing. You can see the agenda for the Nanopore Community Meeting here.
If you are heading to the meeting, or planning to follow #nanoporeconf this week, you might enjoy these posters from the Oxford Nanopore applications team. Those marked with a * are new or very recent, others are updated with new information.
Click here to review all the posters at our resource centre, and here to review all publications.
Towards the analysis of anything, anywhere by anyone
*VolTRAX: a rapid, programmable, portable, disposable device for sample and library preparation
Barcode of Life: simple laboratory and analysis workflows for 16S and CO1 analysis
Using long nanopore reads to assemble genomes from complex metagenomic samples
What's in my Pot? (WIMP), a quantitative analysis tool for real-time species identification
Potential for self-monitoring of chronic myelogenous leukaemia gene fusion using VolTRAX and MinION
RNA analysis
Nanopores allow direct sequencing of RNA strands, giving full-length reads with low bias
*Long-fragment targeted cDNA libraries for sequencing of fusion transcripts, species identification and lncRNAs (Will be published during NCM)
*Bacterial comparative genomics and transcriptomics using long nanopore reads (Will be published during NCM)
*Low bias RNA-seq: PCR-cDNA, PCR-free direct cDNA and direct RNA sequencing (Will be published during NCM)
*Tombo: detection of non-standard nucleotides using the genome-resolved raw nanopore signal (Will be published during NCM)
Structural variation
*Using long nanopore reads to delineate structural variants (SVs) in the human genome (Will be published during NCM)
*Bacterial comparative genomics and transcriptomics using long nanopore reads (Will be published during NCM)
*Cancer genomics: analysing structural variation, aneuploidy, and heterogeneity with long nanopore reads (Will be published during NCM)
Clinical Research
*Combined pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) for aneuploidy and haplotyping of the ANXA5 gene (Will be published during NCM)
Multiplexed quantification of protein panels by nanopore sequencing of reporter oligonucleotides
*Cancer genomics: analysing structural variation, aneuploidy, and heterogeneity with long nanopore reads (Will be published during NCM)
Barcode of Life: simple laboratory and analysis workflows for 16S and CO1 analysis
Versatile sequencing library preparation methods for MinION, GridION and PromethION
Incorporating sequence capture into library preparation for MinION, GridION and PromethION
*Tombo: detection of non-standard nucleotides using the genome-resolved raw nanopore signal (Will be published during NCM)