Workflow overview: plasmid sequencing
- Bacteria
- Bioinformatics
- Workflow
- EPI2ME Labs
- Microbiology
August 15 2023
Workflow overview: bacterial isolate sequencing
- Bacteria
- Whole genome
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
- Biopharma
March 18 2025
Workflow overview: 16S sequencing
- Bacteria
- 16S
- Food safety
- Environment
- Identification
- Infectious disease
June 13 2024
Whole genome sequencing reveals virulence potentials of Helicobacter pylori strain KE21 isolated from a Kenyan patient with gastric signet ring cell carcinoma
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
- Clinical research
- Cancer research
- MinION
August 29 2020
Whole genome sequencing of Borrelia miyamotoi isolate Izh-4: reference for a complex bacterial genome
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- Long-read
- MinION
January 6 2020
Whole genome sequencing and antibiotic diffusion assays, provide new insight on drug resistance in the genus Pedobacter
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- MinION
April 9 2020
Whole genome sequence data of Lactobacillus fermentum HFD1, the producer of antibacterial peptides
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Whole genome
- Assembly
- MinION
August 1 2020
Whole genome comparisons of Staphylococcus agnetis isolates from cattle and chickens
- Bacteria
- Agriculture: animal
- Microbiology
- Outbreak
- Environment
- Whole genome
January 7 2020
Whole-genome analysis of VREfm isolates with daptomycin resistance using Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing
- Bacteria
- Bioinformatics
- Whole genome
- Clinical research
- Infectious disease
- Microbiology
June 20 2019
The wastewater microbiome: A novel insight for COVID-19 surveillance
- Bacteria
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Infectious disease
October 9 2020
Viral and bacterial profiles in endemic influenza A virus infected swine herds using nanopore metagenomic sequencing on tracheobronchial swabs
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Infectious disease
- Virus
- Metagenomics
February 28 2023
Using SPAdes de novo assembler
- Bacteria
- Assembly
- Bioinformatics
- Metagenomics
- Transcriptome
- Microbiology
June 19 2020
Using nanopore sequencing to identify bacterial infection in joint replacements: a preliminary study
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- MinION
- Clinical research
- Real-time
March 30 2024
Unlinked rRNA genes are widespread among bacteria and archaea
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Metagenomics
- Environment
- 16S
November 11 2019
Unearthing the boreal soil resistome associated with permafrost thaw
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Metagenomics
- MinION
- Whole genome
October 27 2020
Uncovering the microbiome of invasive sympatric European brown hares and European rabbits in Australia
- Bacteria
- 16S
- Targeted
- Amplicons
- gDNA
November 6 2019
An ultra-sensitive bacterial pathogen and antimicrobial resistance diagnosis workflow using Oxford Nanopore adaptive sampling sequencing method
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Targeted
- Clinical research
July 5 2022
Ultra-long reads and ultra-long duplications: What nanopore sequencing is revealing about Bordetella pertussis
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Long-read
- MinION
- Whole genome
- gDNA
May 17 2019
Two cases of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium bacteremia with development of daptomycin-resistant phenotype and its detection using Oxford Nanopore sequencing
- Bacteria
- Microbiology
- Clinical research
- SNVs
- Variant calling
May 23 2020