Sequencing and analysis of nanopore-only microbial isolates with the NO-MISS workflow
September 5 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM BST

Knowledge Exchange Overview

Whole-genome sequencing of microbial isolates provides valuable information for public health, clinical microbiology research, food safety, and microbial ecology. Nanopore sequencing provides distinct advantages when it comes to detection and characterisation of antimicrobial resistance, virulence genes, plasmids and other mobile genetic elements.

This knowledge exchange will walk through the nanopore-only microbial isolate sequencing solution (NO-MISS): a flexible and rapid approach for whole-genome sequencing of bacterial isolates.

In this knowledge exchange, viewers will learn:

  • How the rapid, end-to-end NO-MISS workflow enables whole-genome characterisation of bacterial isolates.

  • How to extract nucleic acids, prepare libraries, and sequence microbial isolate research samples with the NO-MISS workflow.

  • How to analyse microbial isolate sequencing data with the EPI2ME platform.

  • Where to find useful resources online.

Meet the speakers

picture of Anna Maria Niewiadomska

Anna Maria Niewiadomska, Segment market manger – public health, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

In her role as segment market manager, Anna drives the development of new markets in the infectious ...

picture of Alex Trotter

Alex Trotter , Development scientist – translational development, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

As part of Translational Development in Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Alex works on prototyping and ...

picture of Chris Alder

Chris Alder , Bioinformatician, Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Chris is a bioinformatics workflow developer within the Customer workflows team at Oxford Nanopore. ...