Flow Cell Wash Kit (EXP-WSH003)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
Jul 4 2023WFC_9088_v1_revG_18Sep2019EnglishGridION
4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away". - Removed recommendation to adjust voltage
Jul 4 2023WFC_9088_v1_revG_18Sep2019EnglishMinION
4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away". - Removed recommendation to adjust voltage
Jul 4 2023WFC_9088_v1_revG_18Sep2019EnglishPromethION
4th July 2023 - Updated recommendations in "To run a second library on a MinION/GridION/PromethION flow cell straight away". - Removed recommendation to adjust voltage
April 12th, 2023WFC_9088_v1_revF_18Sep2019EnglishPromethion Download 4th May Updated PromethION wash mix loading step.
April 12th, 2023WFC_9088_v1_revF_18Sep2019EnglishGridion Download 4th May Updated PromethION wash mix loading step.
April 12th, 2023WFC_9088_v1_revF_18Sep2019EnglishMinion Download 4th May Updated PromethION wash mix loading step.
April 12th, 2023WFC_9088_v1_revF_18Sep2019EnglishAny Download 4th May Updated PromethION wash mix loading step.
March 12th, 2020WFC_9088_v1_revE_18Sep2019English Download 12th March Updated nuclease wash step to include PromethION data
January 16th, 2020WFC_9088_v1_revD_18Sep2019English Download 16th January 2020 Reverted previous change
December 24th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revC_18Sep2019English Download 24th December 2019 The volume of the Wash Mix has been reduced from 400 μl to 200 μl (mix together 10 μl of Solution A with 190 μl of Solution B)
October 15th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revB_18Sep2019English Download 15th October 2019 Added pictures of PromethION flow cell flushing and re-loading; some minor changes to the wording of the protocol for clarity.
October 14th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revA_18Sep2019EnglishAny Download
October 14th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revA_18Sep2019EnglishPromethion Download
October 14th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revA_18Sep2019EnglishGridion Download
October 14th, 2019WFC_9088_v1_revA_18Sep2019EnglishMinion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishPromethion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishGridion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishPromethion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishMinion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishGridion Download
September 6th, 2019wash_kit_v2EnglishMinion Download